ATLEX Virtual Data Center

Are you short on your own resources, willing to expand with a demand for savings? Rent a virtual data center in the ATLEX public cloud and save energy, time, and money.

Prices are VAT excluded.

ATLEX Virtual Data Center is:


24h professional support in Russian, English and Czech.


Single-Click Scalability.


Any possible configurations.


Any type of virtual machine and any operating system — Windows, Linux, etc.


You don't have to wait for servers to be prepared. Instead, choose resources and start using them.


Resources can be requested through the control panel or a special API.


The ATLEX Cloud portal provides users with a graphical interface to manage and monitor cloud resources. As a result, our customers can manage their own infrastructure, define resource allocation policies and quickly access them within minutes.


With our service, users can independently request and receive computing and network resources, storage tools without delays and have the ability to contact the relevant service providers.


You pay by the “Pay as you go” model, i.e., only for the resources you actually use: CPU capacity, RAM, disk space, OS and software rent, and expansion of the channel bandwidth.


When creating a new virtual machine (instance) in the management interface, you will be allowed to configure the CPU and RAM settings from the prepared templates. In addition, you can also specify an arbitrary disk size for the created disk (but not smaller than the minimum size for the selected system image).

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Yes, you can import your own operating system template.

The template must contain installed drivers that support OpenStack virtualization.

You can learn more about the template import process here.

Yes, you can clone a virtual machine without stopping by several ways. You can read more about this process in the instructions on our website.

Yes, you can change the template used for your instance at any time through the interface.

More detailed instructions.

Creating a new virtual machine depends directly on the size of the image and the disks used in the new virtual machine.

Usually, it takes a few seconds to a few minutes to create a virtual machine but, in cases with massive disks and images, it can take much longer to create an instance.

A VNC console is available for all virtual machines. Detailed process description.

To access your virtual machine from an external network, you need to assign it a Floating IP. In some cases, it is required that an external IP address be assigned to the network interface of a virtual machine without using SNAT. We offer to rent a subnet to solve this problem.

Detailed process description.


Unlock the Power of the Virtual Data Center.

Call us at +7 (495) 234-77-11

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